Love and passion for life Abigail Tannen

 Holistic nutition consultant and fitness professional
Abigail Tannen

Holistic Nutrition

Embrace Holistic Nutrition




Mind: Holistic Nutrition
Body: Holistic Nutrition
Spirit: Holistic Nutrition


The body is an incredible organism that has the ability to heal itself. Nature intended to fuel our inner healing force with the right natural substances to enable the body to function to its fullest potential. Nature’s resources, whole foods, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, phytochemicals and other natural resources are designed to enhance our immune system. In today’s modern lifestyle our bodies are constantly under assault by poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, cigarette smoking, environmental toxins, stress and inactivity. Good nutrition is the foundation of good health.


As a Holistic Nutrition counselor, I will guide you in choosing the proper foods in conjunction with supplements to enhance your health, as well as help you navigate your way through the controversial nutrition advice, help you to decipher what would be beneficial for your own personal wellness, and  help encourage, motivate and support you every step of your journey.


Take the first step today. Contact me for a complimentary consultation.



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copyright 2011 ~ Abigail Tannen ~ Holistic nutrition consultant and fitness professional ~ Boca Raton, Florida

Health is a natural state, a collection of interwoven systems, each dependent on the other. Your body’s nutritional needs are unique. Holistic nutrition is very individualized, personal and specific to your needs. The first step toward wellness is to be sure you are getting the correct amounts of proper nutrients. By understanding the basic principles of holistic nutrition and what nutrients your body needs, you can improve the state of your health.  Together we will explore concerns specific to you and your body and we will discover what tools you need to accomplish a lifetime of vibrant health.   There is not a “one size fits all diet”. Each person is unique and each program is designed to specifically  meet your individual needs and lifestyle. The programs promote healing and wellness by allowing your body to heal and reinvigorate itself.


If you are ready to optimize your nutrition and live an empowered life, contact me today for a complimentary consultation.

"No matter who or where you are in life you can reclaim your inner spirit with a healthy body and mind."

" It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has."   Hippocrates
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Holistic Nutrition uses various combinations of food and nutrients to help individuals achieve optimal physical, mental and spiritual health. The fuel we give our bodies comes directly from the food we eat. It is these nutrients that sustain life, by providing essential materials our bodies need to carry on their daily functions. When our diet is lacking the proper nutrients, it can impair the body’s normal functions and cause harm. The wrong foods and lack of balanced nutrients can lead to many debilitating physical and degenerative health conditions. Many common health issues such as, obesity, arthritis, allergies, type II diabetes, hypothyroid, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cancer can respond with the proper nourishment and care. Whether you have current health issues, have decided to take a more active role in preventative health, want to lose weight or find a balance between health and wellbeing, your personalized program will dramatically improve your health and happiness.

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Abigail Tannen

6503 North Military Trail  Suite 4008

Boca Raton Florida 33496




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